Source code for icontract._metaclass

"""Define the metaclass necessary to inherit the contracts from the base classes."""
import abc
import inspect
import sys
import weakref
from typing import (
)  # pylint: disable=unused-import

from icontract._types import Contract, Snapshot
import icontract._checkers

# Pylint can't deal with multiple Python versions and breaks on ``if``'s on method definitions.
# pylint: skip-file

def _collapse_invariants(
    bases: List[type], namespace: MutableMapping[str, Any]
) -> None:
    """Collect invariants from the bases and merge them with the invariants in the namespace."""
    invariants = []  # type: List[Contract]

    # Add invariants of the bases
    for base in bases:
        if hasattr(base, "__invariants__"):
            invariants.extend(getattr(base, "__invariants__"))

    # Add invariants in the current namespace
    if "__invariants__" in namespace:

    # Change the final invariants in the namespace
    if invariants:
        namespace["__invariants__"] = invariants

def _collapse_preconditions(
    base_preconditions: List[List[Contract]],
    bases_have_func: bool,
    preconditions: List[List[Contract]],
    func: Callable[..., Any],
) -> List[List[Contract]]:
    Collapse function preconditions with the preconditions collected from the base classes.

    :param base_preconditions: preconditions collected from the base classes (grouped by base class)
    :param bases_have_func: True if one of the base classes has the function
    :param preconditions: preconditions of the function (before the collapse)
    :param func: function whose preconditions we are collapsing
    :return: collapsed sequence of precondition groups
    if not base_preconditions and bases_have_func and preconditions:
        raise TypeError(
                "The function {} can not weaken the preconditions because the bases specify "
                "no preconditions at all. Hence this function must accept all possible input since "
                "the preconditions are OR'ed and no precondition implies a dummy precondition which is always "

    return base_preconditions + preconditions

def _collapse_snapshots(
    base_snapshots: List[Snapshot], snapshots: List[Snapshot]
) -> List[Snapshot]:
    Collapse snapshots of pre-invocation values with the snapshots collected from the base classes.

    :param base_snapshots: snapshots collected from the base classes
    :param snapshots: snapshots of the function (before the collapse)
    :return: collapsed sequence of snapshots
    seen_names = set()  # type: Set[str]
    collapsed = base_snapshots + snapshots

    for snap in collapsed:
        if in seen_names:
            raise ValueError(
                "There are conflicting snapshots with the name: {!r}.\n\n"
                "Please mind that the snapshots are inherited from the base classes. "
                "Does one of the base classes defines a snapshot with the same name?".format(


    return collapsed

def _collapse_postconditions(
    base_postconditions: List[Contract], postconditions: List[Contract]
) -> List[Contract]:
    Collapse function postconditions with the postconditions collected from the base classes.

    :param base_postconditions: postconditions collected from the base classes
    :param postconditions: postconditions of the function (before the collapse)
    :return: collapsed sequence of postconditions
    return base_postconditions + postconditions

def _decorate_namespace_function(
    bases: List[type], namespace: MutableMapping[str, Any], key: str
) -> None:
    """Collect preconditions and postconditions from the bases and decorate the function at the ``key``."""
    value = namespace[key]
    assert inspect.isfunction(value) or isinstance(value, (staticmethod, classmethod))

    # Determine the function to be decorated
    if inspect.isfunction(value):
        func = value
    elif isinstance(value, (staticmethod, classmethod)):
        func = value.__func__  # type: ignore
        raise NotImplementedError("Unexpected value for a function: {}".format(value))

    # Collect preconditions and postconditions of the function
    preconditions = []  # type: List[List[Contract]]
    snapshots = []  # type: List[Snapshot]
    postconditions = []  # type: List[Contract]

    contract_checker = icontract._checkers.find_checker(func=func)
    if contract_checker is not None:
        preconditions = contract_checker.__preconditions__  # type: ignore
        snapshots = contract_checker.__postcondition_snapshots__  # type: ignore
        postconditions = contract_checker.__postconditions__  # type: ignore

    # Collect the preconditions and postconditions from bases.
    # Preconditions and postconditions of __init__ and __new__ of base classes are deliberately ignored
    # (and not collapsed) since initialization is an operation specific to the concrete class and
    # does not relate to the class hierarchy.
    if key not in ["__init__", "__new__"]:
        base_preconditions = []  # type: List[List[Contract]]
        base_snapshots = []  # type: List[Snapshot]
        base_postconditions = []  # type: List[Contract]

        bases_have_func = False
        for base in bases:
            if hasattr(base, key):
                bases_have_func = True

                # Check if there is a checker function in the base class
                base_func = getattr(base, key)
                base_contract_checker = icontract._checkers.find_checker(func=base_func)

                # Ignore functions which don't have preconditions or postconditions
                if base_contract_checker is not None:

        # Collapse preconditions and postconditions from the bases with the function's own ones
        preconditions = _collapse_preconditions(

        snapshots = _collapse_snapshots(
            base_snapshots=base_snapshots, snapshots=snapshots

        postconditions = _collapse_postconditions(
            base_postconditions=base_postconditions, postconditions=postconditions

    if preconditions or postconditions:
        if contract_checker is None:
            contract_checker = icontract._checkers.decorate_with_checker(func=func)

            # Replace the function with the function decorated with contract checks
            if inspect.isfunction(value):
                namespace[key] = contract_checker
            elif isinstance(value, staticmethod):
                namespace[key] = staticmethod(contract_checker)

            elif isinstance(value, classmethod):
                namespace[key] = classmethod(contract_checker)

                raise NotImplementedError(
                    "Unexpected value for a function: {}".format(value)

        # Override the preconditions and postconditions
        contract_checker.__preconditions__ = preconditions  # type: ignore
        contract_checker.__postcondition_snapshots__ = snapshots  # type: ignore
        contract_checker.__postconditions__ = postconditions  # type: ignore

def _decorate_namespace_property(
    bases: List[type], namespace: MutableMapping[str, Any], key: str
) -> None:
    """Collect contracts for all getters/setters/deleters corresponding to ``key`` and decorate them."""
    value = namespace[key]
    assert isinstance(value, property)

    fget = value.fget  # type: Optional[Callable[..., Any]]
    fset = value.fset  # type: Optional[Callable[..., Any]]
    fdel = value.fdel  # type: Optional[Callable[..., Any]]

    for func in [value.fget, value.fset, value.fdel]:
        func = cast(Callable[..., Any], func)

        if func is None:

        # Collect the preconditions and postconditions from bases
        base_preconditions = []  # type: List[List[Contract]]
        base_snapshots = []  # type: List[Snapshot]
        base_postconditions = []  # type: List[Contract]

        bases_have_func = False
        for base in bases:
            if hasattr(base, key):
                base_property = getattr(base, key)
                assert isinstance(
                    base_property, property
                ), "Expected base {} to have {} as property, but got: {}".format(
                    base, key, base_property

                if func == value.fget:
                    base_func = getattr(base, key).fget
                elif func == value.fset:
                    base_func = getattr(base, key).fset
                elif func == value.fdel:
                    base_func = getattr(base, key).fdel
                    raise NotImplementedError(
                        "Unhandled case: func neither value.fget, value.fset nor value.fdel"

                if base_func is None:

                bases_have_func = True

                # Check if there is a checker function in the base class
                base_contract_checker = icontract._checkers.find_checker(func=base_func)

                # Ignore functions which don't have preconditions or postconditions
                if base_contract_checker is not None:

        # Add preconditions and postconditions of the function
        preconditions = []  # type: List[List[Contract]]
        snapshots = []  # type: List[Snapshot]
        postconditions = []  # type: List[Contract]

        contract_checker = icontract._checkers.find_checker(func=func)
        if contract_checker is not None:
            preconditions = contract_checker.__preconditions__  # type: ignore
            snapshots = contract_checker.__postcondition_snapshots__  # type: ignore
            postconditions = contract_checker.__postconditions__  # type: ignore

        preconditions = _collapse_preconditions(

        snapshots = _collapse_snapshots(
            base_snapshots=base_snapshots, snapshots=snapshots

        postconditions = _collapse_postconditions(
            base_postconditions=base_postconditions, postconditions=postconditions

        if preconditions or postconditions:
            if contract_checker is None:
                contract_checker = icontract._checkers.decorate_with_checker(func=func)

                # Replace the function with the function decorated with contract checks
                if func == value.fget:
                    fget = contract_checker
                elif func == value.fset:
                    fset = contract_checker
                elif func == value.fdel:
                    fdel = contract_checker
                    raise NotImplementedError(
                        "Unhandled case: func neither fget, fset nor fdel"

            # Override the preconditions and postconditions
            contract_checker.__preconditions__ = preconditions  # type: ignore
            contract_checker.__postcondition_snapshots__ = snapshots  # type: ignore
            contract_checker.__postconditions__ = postconditions  # type: ignore

    if fget != value.fget or fset != value.fset or fdel != value.fdel:
        namespace[key] = property(fget=fget, fset=fset, fdel=fdel)

def _dbc_decorate_namespace(
    bases: List[type], namespace: MutableMapping[str, Any]
) -> None:
    Collect invariants, preconditions and postconditions from the bases and decorate all the methods.

    Instance methods are simply replaced with the decorated function/ Properties, class methods and static methods are
    overridden with new instances of ``property``, ``classmethod`` and ``staticmethod``, respectively.
    _collapse_invariants(bases=bases, namespace=namespace)

    for key, value in namespace.items():
        if inspect.isfunction(value) or isinstance(value, (staticmethod, classmethod)):
            _decorate_namespace_function(bases=bases, namespace=namespace, key=key)

        elif isinstance(value, property):
            _decorate_namespace_property(bases=bases, namespace=namespace, key=key)

            # Ignore the value which is neither a function nor a property

_CONTRACT_CLASSES = weakref.WeakSet()  # type: ignore

T = TypeVar("T")  # pylint: disable=invalid-name

def _register_for_hypothesis(cls: Type[T]) -> None:
    Add ``cls`` to ``_CONTRACT_CLASSES`` to be later registered with icontract_hypothesis.

    icontract_hypothesis is expected to monkey-patch this function.
    Prior to patching, all the classes in ``_CONTRACT_CLASSES`` should be registered
    with Hypothesis.

    The registration is necessary so that the preconditions on the __init__ are propagated
    in ``hypothesis.strategies.builds``.

[docs]class DBCMeta(abc.ABCMeta): """ Define a meta class that allows inheritance of the contracts. The preconditions are weakened ("require else"), while postconditions ("ensure then") and invariants are strengthened according to the inheritance rules of the design-by-contract. """ # We need to disable mcs check since ABCMeta doesn't follow the convention and calls the first argument ``mlcs`` # instead of ``mcs``. # pylint: disable=bad-mcs-classmethod-argument if sys.version_info < (3,): raise NotImplementedError( "Python versions below not supported, got: {}".format(sys.version_info) ) if sys.version_info < (3, 6): # pylint: disable=arguments-differ def __new__(mlcs, name, bases, namespace): """Create a class with inherited preconditions, postconditions and invariants.""" _dbc_decorate_namespace(bases, namespace) cls = super().__new__(mlcs, name, bases, namespace) if hasattr(cls, "__invariants__"): icontract._checkers.add_invariant_checks(cls=cls) # This is necessary to avoid circular imports. # icontract-hypothesis depends on icontract and vice-versa. # This usually works since icontract-hypothesis does not use DBCMeta, # but blows up since icontract creates DBC with DBCMeta meta-class at the import time. if cls.__module__ != __name__: _register_for_hypothesis(cls) return cls else: def __new__(mlcs, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs): # type: ignore """Create a class with inherited preconditions, postconditions and invariants.""" _dbc_decorate_namespace(bases, namespace) cls = super().__new__(mlcs, name, bases, namespace, **kwargs) if hasattr(cls, "__invariants__"): icontract._checkers.add_invariant_checks(cls=cls) # This is necessary to avoid circular imports. # icontract-hypothesis depends on icontract and vice-versa. # This usually works since icontract-hypothesis does not use DBCMeta, # but blows up since icontract creates DBC with DBCMeta meta-class at the import time. if cls.__module__ != __name__: _register_for_hypothesis(cls) # type: ignore return cls
[docs]class DBC(abc.ABC, metaclass=DBCMeta): """Provide a standard way to create a class which can inherit the contracts."""